Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today was quite the long day (in fact, it was yesterday, because it is well into tomorrow (today) already). It was also incredibly productive, and it was my first full shift working absolutely away from the customers. I helped one single, $1.08 customer today.

I worked for about 3 hours doing next weeks schedules. It's really an involved process doing the schedule through the ISP. It's also frustrating and difficult to balance everyone's needs and desires, for hours and availability, against the store's needs, what the business needs to remain profitable.

Then, for about an hour and a half I did a truck, with two other guys for the first time - normally it's two people for 3 hours. We had some unique receiving to do. My store's freezer has been out a few days, and we have a GSF trailer parked in our back parking lot, and it's where all our frozen product is currently located. What a pain in the ass! However, it's a great solution to the problem we're having.

After that, I counted a full, end of month inventory (so should you!) with the store manager. By hand. Our TelXon hand-held device is being repaired and we won't get it back for a few days. So, I did a phenomenal amount of hand writing today.

Lastly, I had to hand-enter those items into the ISP, then double-check it all. I got out at almost 1:00 AM.

All in all, a productive day. Now, sleep.


Christopher said...

sounds like you had a busy day dude. I spent yesterday balancing transfers and stuff for my old zone and it was pretty hard watching MY crew struggle.(i was off the clock, doing it, so as labor wouldn't look like garbage before we closed out. keep up the good work guy. it all pays off in the end.


Anonymous said...

You left a comment on my post on McD Talk. It is nice to see that there are like-minded people out there (even if they're not at my own store. lol)

I remember my first time doing the schedules. It took me like three hours also. Now I can do them in only 1 hour! Also, our TelXon has been broken since I became a manager 3 years ago, so we always have to do it manually! Lucky us. (Michael Schroeder) said...

ISP is an acronym for .. something? It's the back-office program licensed by McDonald's to franchisees. A TelXon is a handheld computer that is used for entering inventories.

Anonymous said...

isp is in-store protocol. (Michael Schroeder) said...

ISP is In Store Processor.