Saturday, November 10, 2007

The First Week

My legs hurt so damn bad. Every day, my first week, within 5 hours into my shift, I would be stiff-legged and clumping around like Frankenstein, wishing my legs would just fall off or something. The environment and the job was a huge change from my previous life of sitting at a computer with a phone against my ear. Now, I was standing all the time, and in fact running my ass around all over the place. Also, I wasn't able to take a mid-day nap, like I used to on my hour-long lunch hours. Now, I was barely able to smoke a cigarette, gulp down my $6.00 worth of comp'd food, smoke a second cigarette and hopefully sneak out a really quick poop (if I didn't smoke a third cigarette. I love you Pall Mall 100s).

So the first week was all service, and pain in the legs. However, the best part of that first week was PEOPLE! I got to speak to human beings and make people smile in my short interludes speaking with them. I heard "Wow you need to be working somewhere else, you're fantastic!". In that first week of working with people, human beings I could see and make eye contact with, I was offered at least 1 job a day by people I interacted with. I was buh-da-bum-bum-bah LOVIN' IT. Great for my ego, you know, to have so many people tell me how great I am, and to know that I'm doing a great job of it.

The end of the first week at McDonald's culminated in more exposure to that fantastic
training system, the e-Learning computer. This time, I was going to learn "Production", making all that lovely, greasy food.

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