Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm not a blogger.

I'm starting this blog more than two months after I've started my career with McDonald's.

I've never written a blog before, mostly because I just never had the interest. However, I've searched the beloved Internets for blogs that are worthwhile, regarding working at McDonald's, and there's not really much positive out there.

Of course, there's a small community at but it's very small, and there's "head hunter" trolls over there, making a large part of the posting.

I've also read a bit of the "CSR" blog at , but it's corporate sponsored and monitored and it really feels more like a marketing tool than anyone's blog.

The third blog regarding McDonald's is the McChronicles at and it is from a customer's point of view, and is incredibly worthwhile to keep tabs on. Your McDonald's just might get some feedback from McChronicles.

Other than that are hundreds of comments on various blogs and community sites that are to the effect of "McD's sux0rr!!! I h8 my jobb and LOL McDs sux0rr fuchhs u maganer!". Not very productive as far as an open communication channel goes.

So why did I feel it necessary to blog about my job at McDonald's? I was actually struck by inspiration! It sounds silly, but I just feel compelled to make sure that a positive blog exists, and I'd like to show the world what working at McDonald's is like for someone who isn't a complete moron and slacker.


Anonymous said...

Your positive attitude is refreshing - and will take you far.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. With your attitude you will certainly do well in your job and your life.

Thanks for the comment. (Michael Schroeder) said...


I sincerely agree that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and try hard to inspire that into those around me.